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Feliz Cumpleaños: "El Partido" (Spanish Ed) by AC Quintero

Feliz Cumpleaños: "El Partido" (Spanish Ed) by AC Quintero

$ 8.00

Spanish 1 Student Reader "Feliz cumpleaños" is the classic bully story with a twist. Esteban just can't get a break, even on his birthday. From the forgetful teacher in class to the bully that takes his lunch, he is at his wit's end. Although his day starts to brighten when a good friend and love interest wish him "happy birthday," he is still subject to Roberto's (the bully) attacks. When Cristina is thrown into the mix, well, it gets more complicated. Esteban has an uphill battle and must muster the courage to stand up for himself, on his birthday!  Perfect for LEVEL 1 !

isbn 978-1981136599

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Based on 2 reviews
Rachel Garnett

My students enjoy reading this during FVR time!

Theresa Jensen
A level 1 novel EVERYONE will want to read

This novel is completely comprehensible to level 1 students, yet it is so interesting that ALL students will be interested regardless of their level. Quintero works her magic, drawing you in. As is her style, she evokes emotions in the reader - excitement, outrage, fear, sadness - all in language that is easy for novice learners to understand. The themes of school, bullying, teen love are what our students are steeped in, yet this is an interesting, fresh take. Pick up a copy or more! Your students will be glad you did!

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