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Esmeralda Mora Román

Esmeralda Mora is a Mexican-American international bestselling author, educator, and language learning leading advocate who is passionate about making language learning accessible and fun. She is a dedicated high school teacher who has taught all levels of Spanish, including Advanced Placement courses and has led department-wide international festivals.

Her active leadership roles and volunteer work demonstrate her dedication to education and community involvement. Esmeralda is the Founding Director of the Language Learner Literature Advisory Board, a community of scholars auditing language learning literature through a lens of inclusive excellence, and she has been tapped by the state of Illinois to serve as a judge for the Distinguished Service Award from the Illinois Council of the Teaching of Foreign Languages. She has been an invited speaker to international audiences, presenting at conferences such as ACTFL and Harvard Latinas and has been featured on PBS.  Esmeralda holds an M.A. in Latin American Literature, a B.A. in International Studies, and a Doctorate in Education at National Louis University. She is currently working on her next young adult novel for Spanish language classes.  

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