CPLI Command Performance Books CP Language Institute Innovative materials for language learners & teachers, specializing in: •TPR •TPR Storytelling • A Diverse Selection of Comprehension-based Readers • Teacher Resources
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Return Policy

Return Policy, updated 9/1/2024

We will make our best effort to work with you in resolving any issue regarding our products. We do have a few requirements for any return.


In the rare event that you receive a damaged or defective product, please immediately call us at 510-524-1191 or send us a message via the Contact Us form on this website, or send an email to info@cpli.net  Explain what the damage or defect is and include the invoice or order number. We will tell you what to do next and we will replace the item.

We believe you will benefit from the products you purchase from us. However, sometimes a product may not be what you expected it to be. In that unlikely event, please review the following terms related to returning a product.

The following products are not eligible for refund, credit or exchange:

  • electronic files such as PDF files
  • opened software
  • merchandise that is not in sale-able condition for any reason

If you return any of our products and for any reason have made a copy or facsimile of it in whole or in part, you may not transmit, give to someone else, retain or otherwise use any copy or facsimile in whole or in part of that product in any format. It’s not legal... and it’s not nice.

If you received your item damaged

If an item was damaged while being shipped to you, we will exchange it. Just call or email us immediately about the item and we will let you know the next steps.

How To Return An Item

WE KINDLY REQUEST THAT YOU CONTACT US BEFORE SHIPPING US YOUR RETURN PACKAGE.  Please email us at info@cpli.net with your list of returns.

Pack it well. Loose books get damaged in shipping and we will not accept any item that is not in resaleable condition unless you have informed us immediately that it was damaged or defective when you received it.

Include in your package a paper packing slip with your name and contact information, the original invoice number for the item(s) being returned and a note stating how you would like your return handled. We can either offer you a refund check if your payment has cleared; a credit back to the card used for purchase, or we can credit your account to be used on a future purchase. Credits are not transferable to another account.

Additionally, we suggest that you insure it and/or obtain a tracking number for your package. We are not responsible for returns we don't receive.

If your return contains multiple items, and some are damaged, we will process any undamaged item(s) and notify you about the damaged item(s). If you would like to receive the damaged item(s) back, we can ship them to you at your expense.

We will not accept CODs or any delivery with postage due.

Return Address
Send your returned item(s) to:

Command Performance Language Institute
1475 S Quebec Way #32
Denver, Colorado 80231

Time Limit

Unlike most retailers, as long as the returned item is a current version and can be resold as new, our return policy has no time limit. Before returning an item, if you have any doubt whether the item is the current version, please contact us to find out.  You can also click here to check our website to verify the current version of your return.

Restocking Fee

We do not charge a restocking fee. I don't know of another company that gives you such great perks.

Net Orders Checkout

Item Price Qty Total
Subtotal $ 0.00

Shipping Address

Shipping Methods