CPLI Command Performance Books CP Language Institute Innovative materials for language learners & teachers, specializing in: •TPR •TPR Storytelling • A Diverse Selection of Comprehension-based Readers • Teacher Resources
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Veronica Moscoso


Verónica Moscoso is an exceptional storyteller, author, and documentary filmmaker extraordinaire! Originally from Quito, Ecuador, Verónica brings her unique voice, language skills, and cultural heritage to the world of Spanish language learning.  Her collection of fabulous easy-to-read books for Spanish students range from captivating fiction to eye-opening real life stories. Get ready to meet unforgettable characters, explore social issues with a fresh perspective, dive into iconic legends, uncover the bond between humans and animals, and even crack up with her hilarious book of jokes! And the best part? They are all written in natural, conversational Spanish.

But there’s even more to Verónica's accomplishments. She has won nine awards for her documentary film "A Wild Idea" and has authored articles, multimedia projects, and radio pieces in both English and Spanish. Plus, she holds a degree from the renowned UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. On top of that, her globetrotting adventures in the Middle East and Southeast Asia have enriched her vision and added a global touch to her storytelling.

With her background in language teaching and her knack for storytelling, Verónica's books are the perfect recipe for Spanish learning success. 

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