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CJ Charles

CJ Charles

CJ is a native of Los Angeles and a proud child of the 80’s and 90’s! She is a writer, Spanish teacher, and educational consultant. From an early age, her mother taught her to read and appreciate books. CJ’s been story writing since the first grade. My Mom is a Superhero is a love letter to her mother and an ode to supermoms everywhere! She hopes you enjoy getting to know her characters in her debut children’s book.

Things You May Not Know

About CJ Charles

  • CJ has an older sister name Shayla.
  • She believes that strawberry and banana yogurt is the best snack ever.
  • Justine and CJ are both the youngest in their family.
  • CJ is afraid of snakes.
  • She loves watching the moon and stars in the sky at night.
  • Her favorite books as a kid were Sweet Valley High, R.L. Stine, and Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.
  • Like Justine, she loves blue.
  • Monopoly, Memory, and Uno are her favorite games.
  • CJ loves to create characters based on children that she knew as a child.

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