CPLI Command Performance Books CP Language Institute Innovative materials for language learners & teachers, specializing in: •TPR •TPR Storytelling • A Diverse Selection of Comprehension-based Readers • Teacher Resources
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Craig Klein Dexemple

 Craig is a native Spanish speaker from Colombia, South America. He was born and raised in Cúcuta, a city near the Venezuelan border. Craig has a Bachelor's and a Master's in Spanish Literature, and currently teaches Spanish in the state of Iowa. He is passionate about teaching languages through comprehensible input and has created unique approaches to instruction that include current events, culture, storytelling, music, literature, games, art, and more. He is a frequent presenter at many world language conferences and his presentations have been voted as best of the state. In 2018 Craig was also recognized as Iowa Educator of the year. He is the founder of www.spanishcuentos.com and author of popular Spanish readers such as El ratón Pablito, La familia de Federico Rico, La piñata de Renata, ¡Papacito!, El Pombero, El silbón de Venezuela, Peter va a Colombia and his newest book, a graphic novel,  El gorila blanco de Guinea Española.

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