CPLI Command Performance Books CP Language Institute Innovative materials for language learners & teachers, specializing in: •TPR •TPR Storytelling • A Diverse Selection of Comprehension-based Readers • Teacher Resources
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Command Performance Books Online Conference

Command Performance will sponsor and host The Fifth Annual CI-Reboot, an online training for language teachers in Comprehension-Based Teaching.

To pay by purchase order

The W-9 your district will ask for to pay on the Purchase Order

Pay by credit card (use the name and email address of the registering teacher, not the bill payer)


Ways to register by school district purchase order or via direct payment:

-Register and pay online with a school credit card for automatic invoicing.

-Register and choose pay by purchase order or check. Send purchase order to info@CPLI.net . Include the name and email addresses of each registrant by email.  Mail a check to the address on the W9.  The invoice is provided automatically. You will not receive a separate invoice. Download the invoice when you register.

-If you don't need to pay by purchase order, you can click this link to be quickly, automatically enrolled:  CI RE-BOOT to register directly through teachable or www.fluencyfast.com/cireboot for information.  Only use this link to pay by purchase order.


Preparing an Inclusive, Comprehension-Based Curriculum for 2025

The CI Reboot  aims to re-ground teachers in the basics of Comprehension-Based Teaching and TPR Storytelling.  

CIReboot June 27 through July 1 2022 99.00 for language teachers


CI Readers (TPRS Readers, CI Publishers, Independent authors, Fluency Fast readers) are the basis of the content we teach through Comprehensible Input.  Sessions by authors of popular novels for language learners will demonstrate how to teach them using a variety of TCI strategies like MovieAsk (Ashley Hasting's Movietalk),  Picturetalk, Personalized stories and teaching reading. 

It is live July 7-July 10, 2025.    $169.00

Pre-conferences free with registration  June 24-28, 2024

($149.00 with coupon code from our sponsors.)

If you are a teacher, join us to learn directly from authors and classroom teachers how to teach novels as content and instill a life-long love of reading.


Abdel Khila, Profe Valentina and Carolina Gomez, Dr. Stephen Krashen, The Growing with Proficiency Podcast with Claudia Elliott , Panel Discussion hosted by Adriana Ramirez, Dr. Liam Printer's The Motivated Classroom podcast with Grant Boulanger and Tina Abour, Benjamin M. Tinsley, Adriana Ramirez, Dahiana Castro, Kat Karen Rowan, Margarita Pérez García, A.C. Quintero, Jason Fritze, Haiyun Lu, Jenniffer Saldaña Whyte, Elicia Cárdenas, Ben Fisher-Rodriguez, Adam Giedd, Fadi Abughoush, John Sifert, Hélène Colinet, Bertha E. Delgadillo , Abelardo Almazán-Vázquez and More!





$149.00 with coupon code from one of our sponsors.


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