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Las Apariencias Engañan, Book 1, by A.C. Quintero

Las Apariencias Engañan, Book 1, by A.C. Quintero

$ 8.50

A NOVEL FOR SPANISH CLASS 3/4 Las apariencias engañan is an engaging and comprehensible novel for Spanish 3/4. The story features a 300-word glossary, in addition to engaging pictures that tell the peculiar tale of 4 teens, caught in their web of lies. Its twist and turns will engage your students from beginning to end. SYNOPSIS:We have all heard the old adage “If you play with fire, you'll get burned.” Well, some teenagers like to test the flames. Camilo is one of them. He has been masquerading as a model boyfriend. However, his act can only last so long. His mask starts to crack, his foundation crumbles, and the fire he has played with begins to burn. However, his secret is only the tip of the iceberg. Once inside the halls of his home, we discover a far greater mystery that has haunted the town for years. As the truth comes closing in, the pressure mounts and Camilo must decide his path. This compelling story attests to the timeless truth that things are never what they seem, or "Las apariencias engañan." 

isbn 9781985247871

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