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El Entierro, by Adriana Ramírez (2023 edition)

El Entierro, by Adriana Ramírez (2023 edition)

$ 9.00

Ghosts are part of our oral tradition. Some people say that if you are latino you, or someone that you know has seen or experienced a ghost event. When we gather with our friends and cousins, we love to tell ghosts stories that we have heard about. We believe in them and we feel them. This story is inspired in all the stories I heard growing up in Colombia (and the ghosts I saw). It has a lot of “real” elements that to some, they might seem fiction. This is a very compelling story written for third year Spanish students. It has a glossary organized by chapters at the end. Synopsis: "Amalia Mosquera es una joven enfermera que acaba de alquilar una casa vieja en el pueblo. Rápidamente se da cuenta que ella no es la única que vive en la casa. Hay alguien más, que la sigue a todos lados y no la deja en paz. ¿Podrá ella vivir en esa casa por mucho tiempo? O ¿Se cansará y se irá rápido, como lo han hecho todos los que han vivido antes allí?” LEVEL 3

isbn 978-1775396963

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Christie Hester
El Entierro, by Adriana Ramírez (2023 edition)?

Excellent service from CPLI! Thank you so much!

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