El Cóndor de los Andes by Adriana Ramirez
El Cóndor de los Andes is an engaging and inspiring story written for Spanish 4 students. It is the perfect novel to read with your level 3-4 classes, AP Spanish classes as well as IB Spanish classes. It is based on real events, which makes it very appealing, but it’s intertwined in a very compelling story that will touch your heart. It has a lot of cultural components, and since it tackles a relevant and current topic, you can find a lot of authentic support materials online (songs, news report, videos), that you could use along with the book. It has a glossary organized by chapters, which helps students find the words easier.
Synopsis: “Muchas veces las cosas difíciles de la vida son las que nos ayudan a salir adelante. Esta es una historia inspiradora, basada en hechos reales, de un ciclista colombiano que llegó muy lejos, a pesar de las muchas dificultades que tuvo que enfrentar en el camino”.