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La decisión más peligrosa, by John Sifert

La decisión más peligrosa, by John Sifert

$ 8.50

The sequel to La Isla Más Peligrosa!  

Every decision has a consequence. When Clementine and her mother receive an unexpected call in the middle of the night, they are relieved to hear from Clementine’s brother, Óliver. Óliver and his twin brother Cooper are spending their break with family friends at an archeological site in Texas when they make a huge discovery about the origins of the Aztecs. Unfortunately, that discovery has become a life-or-death situation. Óliver is trapped in the caves of Aztlán after trying to solve an ancient Aztec riddle. Now, with dwindling oxygen, mysterious puzzles, and other hidden dangers, Clementine and the others must find a way to rescue Óliver before the secrets of the Aztecs take him to the grave.

La decisíon más peligrosa is the second in a series of suspense-filled novels focused on delivering comprehensible Spanish while not leaving out a compelling plot. This novel features less than 280 unique words and many cognates- perfect for the novice reader.

Watch the trailer on YouTube

isbn 979-8498318691

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Cultural adventure

Students who loved the first book in this series will find themselves right back in the action. John's writing style and breadth of vocabulary stay the same, so the comprehensibility of book two remains within reach for all who enjoyed book one. What doesn't stay the same is the amount of action and drama - the stakes are higher and the surprises are bigger. Oh, and the illustrations are fantastic.

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