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¡No toques las obras de arte! (Spanish) by Bill Langley

¡No toques las obras de arte! (Spanish) by Bill Langley

$ 8.00

This easy reader is a great adventures for students in their first or second year of learning Spanish.

Alex is skeptical when he has to go on a field trip to the local museum to see Salvador Dalí's "The Persistence of Memory", the well known melting clocks painting. What has art ever done for anybody, really? Ben is excited to see his favorite artist's painting in person. When Alex touches the painting, breaking the cardinal rule of the museum, he and Ben are transported INTO the painting. Will they find their way back home? Will Alex figure out why art is important? Find out in ¡No toques las obras de arte!        LEVEL 1-2

isbn 979-8839763821

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Based on 1 review
Profe Ainsworth
No Toques Las obras de Arte

Buen trabajo. Bill Langley tiene un talento para escribir un cuento muy divertido para adolescentes. Yo voy a compartirlo en voz alta con mis estudiantes este año.

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