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Arepas ¿de dónde son?, by Adriana Ramírez

Arepas ¿de dónde son?, by Adriana Ramírez

$ 9.50

Arepas, ¿de dónde son? is a fun, touching, and humorous story that explores the origin of arepas through the experiences of two friends: Ana from Colombia and Rita from Venezuela. Though they get along in almost everything, there's one topic that always sparks a debate: which country do arepas belong to?

Throughout the story, we learn how arepas are made in each country and the unique differences between them. But the most curious part is that, in this story, the arepas come to life, share their opinions, and explore their own origins.

Amidst laughter, rivalry, and moments of reflection, Ana and Rita embark on a culinary journey that leads them to an unexpected conclusion. So, where are arepas really from?

With 177-word families and 40 cognates, this book is an easy read in Spanish, perfect for level 2. It also includes a full glossary and is beautifully illustrated.

Click the link for the companion book, Arepa vs Arepa

GET A DEAL! Order the AMOR DE AREPA package and save 5%

isbn 978-1738780662

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