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My Mother is a Superhero/Mi Mama es una superheroina by CJ Charles

My Mother is a Superhero/Mi Mama es una superheroina by CJ Charles

$ 13.49 $ 14.99

My Mother is a Superhero Justine believes that her Mother is more than she seems. After all, she has seen her Mother do amazing things. From helping with homework to seeing through walls; Justine's Mother is not ordinary at all.

¡Mi mamá es una superheroína! Justine cree que su madre es más de lo que parece. Después de todo, ella ha visto a su madre hacer cosas increíbles. Desde ayudar con la tarea hasta ver a través de las paredes; la madre de Justine no es nada corriente.

Book 1 in the Superhero series Created by a high school Spanish teacher, My Mother is a Superhero will help young readers to recognize the superheroes in their daily lives. Each bilingual book is filled with new vocabulary and wonderful illustrations.

For more information on this series visit www.mymotherisasuperhero.com


isbn 978-1735423081

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