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Las Voces Diversas de la Diáspora, Edición 6

Las Voces Diversas de la Diáspora, Edición 6

$ 5.00

Whether you’re teaching a sports unit, highlighting someone for Black History Month, or conducting independent reading with your students, Linda Caicedo, a talented and determined Afro-Colombian soccer player, is an excellent choice.

Students will learn about her life as a budding soccer phenom in the world of women’s sports. They will also explore her challenges and how she overcame them to become a household name in sports today.

THIS IS A 17-PAGE DOWNLOAD that will be sent to your email when purchased.

Level 2, for students grades 7-12

This resource includes the following: 

1. Biographical text in Spanish about the Afro-Colombian Soccer Superstar 

2. Glossary of terms

3. Cognate connection sheet (pre-reading activity

4. Antes de leer pre-reading activity to familiarize students with themes discussed in the mini biography

5. True/False activity based on the reading 

6. Comprehension questions based on the reading 

7. Answer key for both activities 

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