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La planète grise (French Edition), by Cécile Lainé

La planète grise (French Edition), by Cécile Lainé

$ 12.00

Tea and her big sister Issa live in a hostile desert. Not only is it hard to find water, but the Racas, a ruthless group of bandits, are also roaming the desert in search of the precious liquid. Several years ago, the Racas kidnapped the girls’ mother because she has a special power: the ability to sense water. Tea, determined to find her mother, embarks on an adventure full of dangerous twists and turns.

The graphic novel is 20 pages long, with only 100-120 headwords and lots of cognates. The story is remarkably engaging and supported by beautiful illustrations and a full glossary. It can be used as a Novice class novel or as an addition to your classroom library. Additionally, the font is big (15+) for a dyslexia-friendly read.

isbn 9781734168655

*teacher's guide available for those who order a CLASS SET! Send your proof of purchase (invoice, receipt, packing slip) to this LINK.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Kat Jackson
La planète grise

This is a creative story and graphic novel for beginning French learners. It is very natural and has a fun and understandable plot. Is a great addition to any classroom library, classroom novel or just a interesting read fun novel for beginning or low-intermediate French learners to improve their French.

Erica Kencke
Fast, fun read for learners

The word count is very low, between 4 and 40 words per page, not including onomatopoeia, with a total of 20 pages of actual story. I imagine even first-year students would read it in under 30 minutes, as the appealing, manga-style illustrations make unknown words easier to guess. There is also a complete glossary for those who need it, but I expect this will be a fast, fun read for most students.
I am a fan of everything Cécile Lainé has written for learners.

Nina Arber
Animé French reader!

Your students are gonna love this book!! A good story, in understandable French, with new words glossed on the same page (so less flipping around looking up words!). But the illustrations bump this book to another level. The animé-style art and story are going to draw your students to pick up this book to read and share!

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