Marie-Antoinnette et le collier de la mort, by Diane Touchet for Wayside
In 1772, France’s King Louis XV commissions Parisian jewelers, Messieurs Bassange and Boehmer, to create a diamond necklace. The king dies before he pays for the elaborate multi-million-dollar piece, leaving the jewelers strapped for cash and struggling to find a buyer. Convinced by a friend to win back the favor of the queen, Marie Antoinette, Cardinal de Rohan steps up to buy it on her behalf. After a 13-year search, the desperate jewelers think their problem is finally solved… until they find themselves at the center of a scandal that will change the course of history. This tale of greed, deception and fraud is based on the true story of Marie-Antoinette and the famous necklace scandal. LEVEL 2