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Nuits mysterieuses a Lyon, from Wayside Publishing

Nuits mysterieuses a Lyon, from Wayside Publishing

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Nuits mystérieuses à Lyon by Kristy Placido

Kevin used to have the perfect life. Now, dumped by his popular girlfriend, Kevin leaves for a summer in France with his best friend, and his life seems anything but perfect. Taking classes he can’t understand, living with a very odd host-family, trying to get the attention of a girl with whom he has no chance and dealing with a guy who has a dark side and who seems to be out to get him, Kevin escapes into a book and enters a world of long-ago adventures. As the boundaries between his two worlds begin to blur, Kevin discovers that nothing is at it appears…especially at night!

The low unique word count and high frequency factor (the number of times core structures are embedded in the text) make this an ideal read for advanced beginning French students (LEVEL 1-2).

isbn 9781935575627

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
I loved Nuits mysterieuses a Lyon because it made me feel like I can read French!

I am a Spanish teacher and I have been actively studying French for almost 2 years on my own. I read the Spanish verison a few years ago and pushed my students to try reading a novel; they resisted, but eventually learned a lot and loved feeling accomplished. So I had to take a page out of my own book and try to do it myself. It wasn't easy, and I wish I had had a teacher or group of classmates to help me along, but it was fun and I feel like I got the student perspective on how challenging and rewarding reading in another language can be. It helped a great deal that the story was engaging.

Hi Vicki, Have you ever joined a French class on Zoom through www.fluencyfast.com? Sunday morning intermediate classes would probably be right at your level and you'd get that group feeling you're seeking. Daniel Dubois and Sabrina Janczak teach it together.

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