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Shei haokan? (2nd Edition), Linda Li and Stephen Krashen

Shei haokan? (2nd Edition), Linda Li and Stephen Krashen

$ 9.95

The story is given in pinyin (in Latin letters), which helps the reader with pronunciation, and also in both simplified and traditional Chinese.

Little or no knowledge of Mandarin Chinese is needed to read this book and to begin to acquire the language. Harry, a young American, goes to Beijing to learn Mandarin. At the same time, a young Korean woman named Min-Jee also goes to Beijing to learn Mandarin. At first, since they have no common language, they cannot speak to each other. As a relationship begins to develop, a surprising incident occurs in their Mandarin class and they begin to communicate in Mandarin. Lively illustrations infuse the story with reality. Clear English translations are provided throughout the story as well as a glossary with notes. The story is given in pinyin (in Latin letters), which helps the reader with pronunciation, and also in both simplified and traditional Chinese.  Written by Linda Li, Dr. Stephen Krashen, illustrations by POL.

isbn 9781603721530

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Based on 3 reviews
Vicki Schrader
SO helpful!

I bought this book to help me learn Chinese. It is the perfect book with all the right features. The English-Pinyin translation along with the audio files make all the difference. After I don't know how many tries with Duolingo, this book combined with the audio is giving me some confidence that I might actually get somewhere in my attempts to learn Mandarin Chinese... maybe even being able to read the simplified and traditional characters!

grisel sweeney

Great customer service follow up


Shei haokan? (2nd Edition)

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