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Me perdí en Medellín, by Adriana Ramirez

Me perdí en Medellín, by Adriana Ramirez

$ 9.00

Muchos libros culturales están enfocados en lugares turísticos famosos, esos que salen en las revistas, periódicos y canales de YouTube, y a los que todo el mundo va. Pero pocos son los que hablan de los valores culturales, de las costumbres y de la forma de ser de los habitantes del lugar. Y son estas formas de ser, estas costumbres y estos valores los que impactan a los que vienen de afuera. Son estos los que hacen que la gente quiera volver. Medellín tiene lugares turísticos muy reconocidos, sin embargo, lo que más llama la atención de los visitantes no son estos lugares sino su gente. Este es el espíritu del libro, mostrar la calidad humana de los colombianos, y en este caso específico, de los habitantes de Medellín: los paisas.

Level 2-3


30 second promo for students


From the author

 isbn 9781775396970

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
My new favorite

This is at the top of my new favorites list especially for non-native Spanish teachers who speak my dialect of Spanish — Spanish teacher Spanish— lots of high frequency words. 🙂 I was looking up words in the glossary, but everything was repeated a lot. It’s so beautifully written the words are nearly edible. It’s about a Canadian student who gets separated from his buddies and gets lost in Medellin. I think I would use it at high level 2, low level 3. It would work well as a class reader because you could inject so much background information, video clips, pictures etc. I think you’ll especially love it if you’ve been to Colombia. Reader’s theater — when he meets the cousins and gets flustered by the cheek kisses. Any book that uses babear is going to be fun, too.

Intercultural delight

This book is lovely in showing intercultural differences in communication and relationships, through the lens of a North American young man who spends the day with a new acquaintance in Medellín and finds himself feeling like part of the new acquaintance's family. Afterward, he finds that he starts to incorporate his acquaintance/friend's style of relating in his relationships with people from his home country. The book embodies interculturality and how we find ourselves as nexus points between two cultures, profoundly shaped by both, with a deeper experience of what it means to be human as a result of these experiences. I strongly recommend this book for intermediate-level readers.

Susana Eusse
Me perdí en Medellín

Excellent book and distribution of the books.

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