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La Trilogía by A.C. Quintero

La Trilogía by A.C. Quintero

$ 24.70 $ 26.00

La Trilogía by A.C. Quintero
Spanish 3/4
Compelling thrillers that mystify, right at your fingertips—and the best part? They’re comprehensible, accessible, and utterly addicting. A.C. Quintero's Las apariencias engañan trilogy is the perfect literary trio for your upper-level students. With each page, they'll sink deeper into the mystery. Set in a fictional South American town, these teens uncover secrets about their friends and the hidden dangers lurking in the town’s forest. They soon began to realize their enemy is not each other, but something far more threatening. A.C. Quintero has mastered the art of the to-be-continued cliff-hanger.


Buy all 3 together and save 5%!  Click below for info on each book.

Book 1: Las Apariencias Engañan

Book 2: El Armario 

Book 3: Las Sombras 

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Cliffhanger after cliffhanger!

Im sitting by the pool reading this book and I want to tell you how I feel about it.
It’s compelling and intriguing and full of suspense. I love the idiomatic expressions that are glossed the first time and then come up again later.
Most importantly, though, and really before you read it, you should keep this one crucial thing in mind. Really. Don’t read it until you finish this review:
To be continued in the next review. Stay tuned for part 2 of this review.
In my defense… (to quote A.C. Quintero just now) some people really like reviews that stop in the middle with a cliffhanger.
Back to the pool!!!
Update July 9:
If you only have book 1, do yourself a favor and have book 2 already on deck. El Armario.
What appears to be a teenage romance love triangle is nothing of the sort. The cliffhanger is madness. I was binge reading. The plot continues to tangle — we get more information and foreshadowing about characters and there is a cat who is a lot like A.C.’s cat.
The vocabulary from Las Apariencias is recycled again here in context so the idiomatic expressions begin to sink in.
It’s a page turner.
And then — it again ends in a wild , white-knuckled cliff-hanger.
At this point, if you happen to have the author’s phone number, you might text &$@!$&@.
Review to be continued.
Back to the pool.
Update, July 11. Las sombras, Book 3 in the Trilogy is really two books in 1. Part 1, rather than resolving the tension from the first two books, continues to complicate it, but gives us hope that the author is unraveling what will surely be happy endings for all.
All I can say is I did not see it coming. And this trilogy was absolutely worth dedicating binge reading to. She had all of my attention all the way to the last word.
Then I started texting her again. She may have to change her number. This does not read at all like a standard "CI Reader". It reads like a mystery thriller that happens to be in comprehensible Spanish for about high school level 4. Maybe 3 if they have read a lot. If you just want to read it for your own entertainment, even if you teach lower levels, it's a fun summer read. Just don't get just one. You'll be sorry.

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