Pesas, by Jennifer Degenhardt
Sofía has been training hard for a long time for an important competition she has in a few months: the Special Olympics. Sofía is a weightlifter and has been practicing the sport for a few years. She likes it because she’s good at it, but more so, she loves the days of the week when she gets to go to the gym to spend time with her trainers. They’re like family to her and just as important as her mom and dad. Of course Sofía wants to do well at the competition, but she is just as excited to hang out a few times a week with Stefanie, Mike, Doc and the rest of her friends.Yet one day, the good vibe in the gym is upset with the arrival of a new girl, Bleu. Bleu is definitely strong, which is great for competition and for fending off the bullies. But along with her bright hair color, she’s also sporting an enormous attitude, one that gets in her way of moving forward on so many levels.What will happen at the gym? 5100 words, fewer than 200 unique. LEVEL 1