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John Sifert


John Sifert has been a Spanish teacher in Iowa for the past 27 years. His focus in the classroom is to provide comprehensible input through stories, novels, and song. He is also passionate about teaching students about life-long skills such as perseverance, respect, and kindness. John has presented at ACTFL, Practical and Comprehensible, IWLA, CI Iowa, KSWLA, Comprehended!, Conference in the Cloud, Growing with Proficiency, and CI Reboot.
John also creates a variety of classroom materials and is the author of La isla más peligrosa, La decisión más peligrosa, El secreto más peligroso, Seis nombres, L'isola più pericolosa del mondo, with several other novels in the works. You can find all his ideas and materials at padredecinco.com
Nothing is more important than family, so when not focused on language acquisition, John spends all his free time with his wife and 5 children in the tiny, (but amazing) town of Belmond, Iowa.
"World language teachers teach the world more than language."
Links for e-books through Mike Peto:

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