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Es posible soñar, by Adriana Ramirez

Es posible soñar, by Adriana Ramirez

$ 9.00

Grafitti art, a form of urban art, and responsible tourism are the themes that inspired this book.  Carlos was born and raised in Barrio 13 in the center of Medellín, Colombia.  Even though it had had a violent past, it reinvented itself through art.  It is now one of the most visited tourist attractions.   In this story we see how we always have the chance to reinvent our lives and what once defined us doesn't have to be what defines us forever.  (This book uses the VOSEO, using the pronoun vos instead of tú.)

Los grafitis, como una forma de arte urbano, y el turismo responsable, son los temas alrededor de los cuales gira esta historia inspiradora. Carlos nació y creció en la Comuna 13, un barrio de la ciudad de Medellín. Este barrio, a pesar de tener un pasado violento, se reinventó a través del arte, volviéndose un lugar turístico muy visitado por locales y extranjeros. En esta historia vemos como siempre tenemos la posibilidad de reescribir nuestra vida, y lo que alguna vez nos definió, no tiene que ser lo que nos defina para siempre.En el libro se usa el VOSEO, que es como hablamos en la ciudad de Medellín. En la gramática del español el voseo es el uso del VOS como pronombre en la segunda persona del singular. Este pronombre requiere una conjugación especial en los verbos.

isbn 978-1777336806

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Constance Sutton

Excellent service.

Emilie S
Vibrant and Focused

Es posible soñar by Adriana Ramírez is the second book I have read by her. The first was El Camino del Café. Since I enjoyed her first book as well as her recorded webinar on Fluency Fast that I purchased to learn more about how Adriana teaches, I was curious about this second book. Through Es posible soñar, Adriana Ramírez guides us into a story that takes place in Medellín, Colombia. I appreciate the care and detail of the writing while also being transported into a new place where I can learn more of the life, culture, people, art and issues at the heart of this story. Adriana crafts a narrative that brings to light the connection of humanity, hope, and the powerful place that art and self-expression have in the ability to be a voice for change. As a writer of this levelled reader for Advanced learners of Spanish, Adriana Ramírez deftly works with vocabulary and expressions that give a real sense of the language spoken in Medellín while also providing a solidly crafted story that provides an enjoyable and immersive reading experience. Through additional resources, such as maps, notes, questions and vocabulary lists in the back of the book to support the reader, Adriana Ramírez invites readers into this world for a time and asks us to reflect on important questions and issues affecting not only the region of Medellín but our communities as well. I am grateful for this book, for this story, and for the questions posed.

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