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Cambios, a graphic novel by J Degenhardt

Cambios, a graphic novel by J Degenhardt

$ 20.00

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June is a typical, if angst-y, teenager. She loves her friends and her hobbies. And she even likes school (though she might not ever tell you that). One thing that she is not terribly fond of...her looks. June cannot help but to criticize herself every chance she gets, and particularly when she can see her reflection. She is all but convinced that her looks are the sole reason that boys are not interested in her. Enter: even MORE self doubt. One night, June and her friends go out to a local café bookstore for a poetry slam, open-mic night. Per usual, June is nervous and antsy about her appearance, that is until she forgets all about how she looks when she, quite literally, bumps into Micha at the event. Micha is tall, attractive and very friendly. And to June’s surprise, he spends a lot of the evening talking to HER!

isbn 978-1733346481


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