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Kai and Planet 0404, by Matthew Russell

Kai and Planet 0404, by Matthew Russell

$ 12.00

Kai thought he was just a normal kid, with a normal pet dog, and a normal father. Follow Kai as he leaves Earth behind and starts to discover the truth about himself and his family. In this first book of the series, Kai and his pet "dog" travel to Planet 0404 and take their first steps on their quest to stop Lucifer.Glossary includes every word in the book (includes separate entry for each different verb conjugation used) All Kanji and Katakana has furigana included (small hiragana characters to show pronunciation) Written mostly in polite (masu) form, with casual form included as required to make it natural. Checked by multiple native speakers to ensure accuracy

Available by special order; please allow extra time to receive your book
isbn 9781999439200

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