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Pablo Ortega Lopez (POL)


POL is a professional illustrator from Ecuador as well as the author of En busca del Monstruo (with Patricia Verano, Argentina).  He has given life to many of the characters in novels as well as illustrated the magnificent children's book Lita la Frijolita (available for download). 

His artwork hangs in classrooms everywhere, as he also illustrated all of the Question Word posters in Spanish and French.

My whole life I have been a passionate, perfectionist illustrator. I always had tried to make my characters and scenes as believable as I can, working little and unique details that let you imagine stories behind every element of my scenes.

In 1993  inclusion of my name among the most prominent political cartoonist of the last Ecuadorian democratic age.

- I am also the author of Pelucolandia la criolla, the comic version of La Comedia Inmortal , a theatrical satire by Pablo Palacio; Las aventuras de Don Elhoy, Aventuras de un pu ado de Valientes, 

There have been more than a million impressions of my drawings published in books, newspapers, magazines and video productions around the world since 1980.


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