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Berto y sus buenos amigos, from TPRS Books

Berto y sus buenos amigos, from TPRS Books

$ 9.00

Berto y sus buenos amigos by Chris Stolz

What Kind of Trouble is Berto Getting in Now?  Berto is up to his old tricks of finding trouble as he spends the day hanging out with his friends. He is with his friends Paquita, Filiberto, and Carlos as they cook, play soccer, make a video for Paquita's YouTube™ channel, and make a complete mess of things.

Unique Words: 120

 Click here to view sample pages.

 ISBN 978-1-60372-182-0

* Bulk discounts: School districts, schools, bookstores & distributors please contact us at info@cpli.net or 510-524-1191.

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