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¿En qué estoy pensando? SPANISH PACKAGE DEAL by Carla Tarini

¿En qué estoy pensando? SPANISH PACKAGE DEAL by Carla Tarini

$ 38.00 $ 40.00

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Volumes 1-3 focus on characters and professions; #4 on familiar events, emotions, and things– including animals, food, instruments, clothing, gadgets, and more.

Read riddles and boost your Spanish skills quickly! ¿En qué estoy pensando? / What am I thinking of?is a popular guessing game that teases the brain. This series presents descriptions of over 200 nouns, each one written a bit like a riddle. Line by line, clue by clue, you will piece together a picture of who or what is being described. Written in easy-to-understand, present-tense Spanish, the riddles in these books will keep you guessing, having fun, and absorbing the language naturally. To further your learning, each riddle is followed by a variety of open-ended questions which can be answered aloud or in writing. In addition, there is a diverse collection of full-page images which offer an opportunity to write your own riddles in Spanish, following the pattern established in the books. Two short guides, one for independent learners and one for teachers, are included in each book and provide instructions on how to get the most out of the series.

¿En qué estoy pensando? #1

¿En qué estoy pensando? #2

¿En qué estoy pensando? #3

¿En qué estoy pensando? #4

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