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Soy yo, la mosca (Spanish edition) by Adriana Ramirez

Soy yo, la mosca (Spanish edition) by Adriana Ramirez

$ 9.00

La mosca lives with a family. She wants to talk to the dog, the cat, the man and the woman but they don’t want to talk to her. They ignore her! But she insists. She insists because her family is very special for her. What does she do to talk to her family? What does she do to have friends?This beginner story has approximately 3500 words. With only 104-word families and 24 cognates, ‘SOY YO, LA MOSCA’ is a fun and easy book to read, perfect for first year Spanish students.

isbn 978-1777336813

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Theresa Jensen
I hate flies

So I read a book from the perspective of a creature I HATE. I mean really despise and will go out of my way to kill. Yet she is sweet. I found myself impressed with her tenacity and persistence. She just wants to be friends and no one seems to get her. I can relate. And suddenly I’m identifying with my worst enemy. Thanks a lot, Adriana Ramirez 😂

The Fly

(Disclaimer: I work for Command Performance)
Last month we heard from 2 of our authors that they had gotten together and each had written a book about a fly. The books are completely unique. In Adriana Ramírez's book, Mosca is a fly who lives in a big house with a nice family. Mosca loves to eat popó, and the chapter about Mosca's food will engage young readers with its entertaining grossness! Lots of discussion opportunities for teachers about insects, cleanliness, food safety. Worth checking out, especially for elementary and middle school Spanish learners.

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