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Grâce à Madagascar (French Edition), by Theresa Marrama

Grâce à Madagascar (French Edition), by Theresa Marrama

$ 12.00

Luc is a young boy obsessed with video games and technology. He is attached to his devices until one day his dad announces that he will be going to Madagascar, Africa, with him for a work trip. Luc, unhappy with having to go on the trip in the first place, is then confronted with an assignment where he has to do an act of kindness. How can he possibly complete the assignment while in another country, without even knowing anyone in Madagascar? Luc and his father embark on a trip full of adventures and discoveries that you don’t want to miss!

This graphic novel is 47 pages long, with limited vocabulary and lots of cognates. This engaging story uses simple language and explores the themes of travel, friendship, and the importance of helping others. Written in the present tense with vivid illustrations on every page, Grâce à Madagascar is a compelling and comprehensible novel ideal for novice learners.

isbn 978-1958759004

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