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La lettre (French Edition) by Theresa Marrama

La lettre (French Edition) by Theresa Marrama

$ 9.50

Bette and Clara have been best friends for a long time. But, the last couple weeks have challenged their friendship since Clara started to pay more attention to Adam, the popular boy in school. It is a confusing and emotional time for Bette. But through it all, Bette begins to better understand her feelings. As she considers the last couple weeks, she comes to a revelation about her friendship with Clara. Bette’s world is about to change when she gets an unexpected letter from her best friend. Why has she been incredibly secretive and avoiding Clara like the plague? Will Bette decide to gather up the courage to talk to Clara? She knows that she may be risking everything to reveal her truth, but she knows that the truth will set her free. Will it be worth it? Level 2+

isbn 9781733957861

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Emily Kautzer
Accessible & Engaging with SEL and LQBTQ theme

I like this book and am so glad I made time to read it with my French 2's before we study passé composé. They got to see lots of verbs we've been studying throughout the year, but it reads as a story- not a thematic review of curriculum topics. The story is simple, but relatable. The prologue is a teaser that made students guess about what was in the letter. Students related to the text's accounts of uncertain friendship, waiting for that text, uncertainty about what to share or who to share important information with, and above all acceptance from loved ones. About half-way in students started having fun predicting what would happen. Some students were surprised, some students weren't. Some student's really liked it, some students weren't fans of the love story genre. They all whether they liked to story or not, got really into chapter 9 with the letter though.

Eddy Hernandez

La lettre (French Edition) by Theresa Marrama

Teresa Torgoff
Emotional story

This story is very easy to read despite the complicated emotions it addresses.

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