Ayar, Vol 1, la leyenda de los incas, from TPRS Books
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The world was balanced in the three planes of existence: Hananpacha (the land of the gods), Kaypacha (Our World), and Ukjupacha (the underworld). Wiracocha, the Creator, established balance and peace with rules for everyone to live. But his son, Huallullo Carhuinchu, leaves Hananpacha to rule Kaypacha and turned the world to darkness. Now the Sun God, Inti, sends his sons, the AYAR brothers and their wives to Kaypacha to restore balance and establish Cuzco — the capital of the Future Inkan empire. Will they defeat their uncle and save Kaypacha from Darkness or will they fall short of Wiracocha’s laws as their uncle has? Enjoy This Legendary Superhero story by the Peruvian company Tawa! This story has been simplified from the original language so Spanish learners can appreciate it even more! ISBN 978-1-60372-390-9