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Teacher's Resource Guides—LAEi WORKBOOKS Levels 1&2

Teacher's Resource Guides

For Live Action English Interactive Workbooks,
Levels 1 & 2

Free of charge, here are the answer keys for the exercises in the Live Action English Workbooks, levels 1 and 2.

If you would prefer to have an actual book, a complete beginning course and a description of the method, this as well as additional games and puzzles can be found in the book Recurrent Action Grammar, along with the answer keys for the Workbooks.

 This Teacher's Resource Guides provide indispensable material for a number of the activities in the workbooks. Beyond that, they provide an approach to teaching which ensures acquisition of grammatical features by learners, an approach called Recurrent Action Grammar. The key is that students hear and produce the targeted grammatical features again and again in a variety of contexts.

You may download, free of cost, the Teacher's Resource Guides. You have permission to print any or all of the material for your own use only. The Teacher's Guides contain everything for both workbooks.

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