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Léo et Anton (French Edition) by Theresa Marrama

Léo et Anton (French Edition) by Theresa Marrama

$ 9.50

Anton is different: a mouse that isn’t afraid of cats. He lives in the forest in Québec, Canada with his mom and dad. But Anton is not happy. He doesn’t have any friends. And because his father fears he will get attacked by a cat, Anton is not allowed to explore the forest alone. How will Anton be able to make friends? Will he venture alone into the forest, against his father’s wishes? Anton’s fearlessness could get him into trouble or… it could help him find friends!Our differences set us apart from others, but sometimes they bring us together. Great for LEVEL 1 readers.

isbn 9781733957847

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Marie Cajou
Leo and Anton

My students love it because it is easy for them to access.

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