Mexican Tongue Twisters / Trabalenguas Mexicanos — la colección definitiva
Mexican Tongue Twisters / Trabalenguas Mexicanos — la colección definitiva, from Bob Haddad
There are probably more humorous books in Mexico than in any other Spanish-speaking country, but this is the only book dedicated to Mexican tongue twisters that describes regionalisms and offers corresponding explanations and translations of unusual vocabulary.
Each tongue twister was collected personally by the author in the Mexican States of Mexico, Michoacán, Guerrero, Oaxaca, and the Federal District. This bilingual illustrated edition helps to preserve these tasty bits of language, and makes them more accessible to Spanish language teachers, young people, bilingual education programs, and all lovers of popular language.
The book includes 25 original illustrations, and a bilingual preface that describes Spanish language terms that are used in Mexico but not in other forms of spoken Spanish. Each twister features a corresponding English translation, as well as explanations of unusual or little-known vocabulary. Come on, let’s see how quickly you can memorize and repeat these tongue twisters!
Level 2 and above (fun for level 1, too!)