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Viaje sin retorno, by Nelly Andrade-Hughes for Fluency Matters/Wayside

Viaje sin retorno, by Nelly Andrade-Hughes for Fluency Matters/Wayside

$ 12.99

In 1749, Mariana was living the life she’d always dreamed of. However, things took a dark turn as tragedy, death, and separation ripped her family apart. Desperate to reunite with the only person who would understand her grief, she set out on an expedition that would test her courage, and threaten her life. Along the way, Mariana learns just how strong and capable she is... but will her strength be enough to reunite her with her lost love? Or will her story end in the Amazon jungle?

Level 2 and up / Novice Mid — Novice High

isbn 978-1-641593-72-4


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