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Where are the best Arepas?

Command Performance Acento Latino Adriana Ramirez blog Class sets Spanish Books

Arepa Taste Test Challenge for Teachers and Students

March 25-April 25, 2025 

Karen Rowan 

When Adriana Ramírez and Margarita Peréz Garciá started talking about their new comprehensible readers for Spanish language learners about Arepas I knew one thing for sure.  I knew barely anything about Arepas.  The books weren't even out yet and I rolled up my sleeves to go do some delicious research.  Are they gluten-free?  Vegetarian?  Would I even like them?   I was out in Oregon and entered "Arepas" into my map app and started driving.  From Portland to Hillsboro, Oregon; throughout Denver, Aurora and Edgewood, Colorado; from food trucks to restaurants to delivery, I ate a lot of Arepas.  

What is an Arepa? (Watch the video interview with Adriana Ramírez and Margarita Peréz García)

It was so much fun and I learned so much from experienced and opinionated Arepa makers!  I asked who taught them to make arepas.  I asked Adriana and Margarita, too!

Who taught you to make Arepas?  (In English, 14 minutes)

¿De dónde son las Arepas?  (1:40).  This short video interview is in Spanish for students explaining where Arepas are really from. Share it with students!


Adriana and Margarita and I talk about how teachers can create this experience, too.   Here is our Arepa Challenge.


Post on Social Media

Share your love of Arepas and we will love you back!  #amordearepa #loslibrosdelasarepas @mrsperezgarcia #citasconarepas @veganadri #arepascolombianas #arepasvenezolanas #arepasbookdate All pictures must have both books Tag: @Command Performance on Facebook and Instagram @veganadri @mrsperezgarcia 

**Frequent posters will be entered into a drawing for audio books, teacher's guides and gift certificates.**

Venezuelan vs. Colombian Arepas: A Taste Test Guide

Arepas are a beloved staple in both Venezuela and Colombia, though the regional variations between the two are notable.

Adriana Ramírez' book Arepas ¿De dónde son? is about Colombian arepas.

Margarita Peréz García's book Arepa vs. Arepa is about Venezuelan Arepas.

The differences range from ingredients and preparation techniques to the way they are served and eaten. 

  1. First purchase both books.  You can buy them together.  


2. Visit Local Venezuelan & Colombian Restaurants wherever you are and taste test Arepas

Find local spots that specialize in either Venezuelan or Colombian food. Some restaurants may offer both types of arepas, so you can compare them side by side.

Go into your maps app and put in "Arepas".  See what restaurants are closest to you.  Include food trucks.


3. Take pictures at the restaurants

Share Your Findings.  Take pictures.  Take video.  Ask to interview the chefs.  

After your taste test, share your results with friends or on social media! Discuss which arepa stood out and why. You might find a new favorite version, or simply appreciate the unique charm of each country's approach.




Support and amplify these small, local restaurants and food trucks near you by checking in, reviewing and posting. Support local small businesses run by Venezuelan and Colombian arepas experts.  Adriana and Margarita both say they learned from their grandmothers.  If you are a teacher, invite your students to participate, too.



Share your love of Arepas and we will love you back! Arepas on date #amordearepa #loslibrosdelasarepas @mrsperezgarcia #citasconarepas @veganadri #arepascolombianas #arepasvenezolanas #arepasbookdate All pictures must have both books Tag: @Command Performance on Facebook and Instagram @veganadri @mrsperezgarcia 


**Frequent posters will be entered into a drawing for free audio books, teacher's guides and gift certificates.**

About Your Taste Test

Venezuelan Arepas:

  • Corn Flour: Venezuelan arepas are typically made with pre-cooked white corn flour (like P.A.N.), which gives them a smoother, finer texture.
  • Shape & Size: They are often larger and fluffier, with a thicker, doughier consistency.
  • Cooking Method: Venezuelans usually grill, fry, or bake their arepas, and they often have a crispy outer shell with a soft interior.
  • Fillings: Venezuelan arepas are more often stuffed rather than topped. Fillings can include a variety of meats, cheese, avocado, and even seafood. Popular fillings are Reina Pepiada (chicken and avocado) and Pabellón Criollo (shredded beef, black beans, and plantains).
  • Accompaniments: They're commonly served with toppings like cheese, sour cream, and a side of fresh salsa.

Colombian Arepas:

  • Corn Flour: Colombian arepas often use cornmeal (sometimes coarser), which gives them a more textured and grainy bite. The flour used is usually more varied based on region.
  • Shape & Size: Colombian arepas are typically smaller, flatter, and thinner than their Venezuelan counterparts.
  • Cooking Method: In Colombia, they are often grilled or fried, but they tend to have a softer texture throughout, and the exterior isn’t as crispy.
  • Fillings: While some Colombian arepas are stuffed, others are served as a simple accompaniment to dishes like bandeja paisa or with cheese melted on top. A popular version is Arepa de Chocolo (sweet corn arepas), typically served with cheese and butter.
  • Accompaniments: Often served as a side dish or snack, cheese, butter, and hogao (a tomato and onion sauce) are common accompaniments.

 Compare the Texture & Flavor

  • Note the texture differences: Is the Venezuelan arepa fluffier or crispier on the outside? Is the Colombian arepa denser or softer?
  • Pay attention to the taste: Does the Venezuelan arepa have a richer, buttery flavor due to its fillings, or does the Colombian one feel lighter with a simple cheese topping?




Bonus Tip: Cook Your Own Arepas!

If you’re up for it, try making both Venezuelan and Colombian arepas at home and host your own taste test with family or friends. This hands-on experience will help you better understand the subtleties of both.



Whether you’re team Venezuelan or team Colombian, arepas are a delicious reflection of each country's unique culture and flavors. Doing a side-by-side taste test at local restaurants will not only broaden your palate but also give you a deeper appreciation for the rich diversity in Latin American cuisine!

If you would like to take the Intermediate Spanish class through Fluency Fast that taught these two books, it was recorded.  $199  *On sale $59.00*


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