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How to Disinfect a Reader — Comprehensible Readers

Earth Day, April 22 Invest in Our Planet

Command Performance blog Books for Beginners cecile laine Comprehensible Readers French Books FVR Karen Rowan Spanish Books

Earth Day, April 22 Invest in Our Planet

Earth Day, 2023 Invest in Our Planet

Resources, book packages and links to comprehensibly celebrate Earth Day in any language

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Safe Use of Readers in Classrooms

Command Performance Class sets Comprehensible Readers Covid 19 FVR REALM Safe use of readers

Safe Use of Readers in Classrooms

Microwaving?  Fogging?  UV Light?  You won't believe the one simple way to disinfect readers!

Whether your students have Free Voluntary Reading libraries or all students are using their own copies of a class set of paperback, here's how. 

If we infect a book with Covid-19 and then test it after several cleaning methods and several days, the safest scientific solution is actually quite easy!  This information is from  the REALM Project: REopening Archives, Libraries, and Museums (REALM) Project.  Libraries that are now open are following these guidelines.

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