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Edi el elefante (SPANISH), by Emily Ibrahim for Fluency Matter

Edi el elefante (SPANISH), by Emily Ibrahim for Fluency Matter

$ 12.99

Edi el elefante

by Emily Ibrahim

Written in Present Tense

Edi is a talented elephant, but he is very small. Edi does not want to be talented or small;  he wants to be BIG! One day, Edi discovers that a small animal can solve a big problem and that being small is not so horrible after all.

 This book is beautifully illustrated by the author herself. Each page contains an original full-size water-color painting, which masterfully depicts Edi’s character and emotions. It is strategically written and illustrated with only 55 unique words and 100 fully  illustrated pages! This highly comprehensible reader is absolutely perfect for beginning language learners.

isbn 978-1-945956-39-3

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