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Olivia y los monos (with free video), by V Moscoso

Olivia y los monos (with free video), by V Moscoso

$ 9.00

 Olivia y los monos, by Verónica Moscoso

See the free video on this link: bit.ly/2E9nTOn.

Olivia y los monos is an easy low-level Spanish novella for true beginners. It is almost entirely in the present tense with a smattering of past tense and no subjunctive. With about 285 unique words (not including obvious cognates) and plenty of repetition, it tells a 2,700-word story. A full glossary for each of the seven chapters is included.

Olivia is a very curious 16-year-old girl who likes to travel and who loves animals. She travels with her parents to Misahuallí, a town in the Amazon regi

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